Five little babies jumping on the bed song Bad Baby learn colors with Baby songs for children

Five little babies jumping on the bed song Bad Baby learn colors with Baby songs for children

Five Bad Baby jumping on the bed — simple songs for children. Roma like a bad kid jumping on a toy donkey and falls into the pool. Bad Baby learn colors with Baby songs for children

Five Bad Baby
jumping on the bed.
One fell off
and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
«No more Baby jumping on the bed!»
Four Bad Baby
jumping on the bed.
One fell off
and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
«No more Baby jumping on the bed!»

Kids Roma Show —
Kids Diana Show —

#jumping #babies #song #baby #kids #songs #children #nursery #rhymes #rhyme #learncolors

Видео по темам

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